A little over two weeks ago we were mesmerized by a leak of Samsung’s yet-to-be announced Chromebook Pro. As we had been tracking ‘Kevin’(the device’s codename) for months, it was immensely exciting to see the new Chromebook finally make its appearance in the flesh. Even though Samsung has not officially announce the Chromebook Pro, we’ve seen it and it is a beautiful piece of hardware.
Last week we made a connection between another new device and the Samsung Chromebook Pro. ‘Caroline’ is a Skylake-based device with many of the same awesome features as the leaked Chromebook Pro.
In our last update we found a common email address between ‘Kevin’ and ‘Caroline’ that made reference to the stylus and digitizer hardware being used on these Chromebooks. Not coincidentally, it was a Samsung email.
This was the solid piece of evidence that led us to believe that ‘Caroline’ is a higher-end device in what now appears to be a line of Samsung Chromebooks. This clue was very convincing but not quite the smoking gun we had hoped for.
Today, however, I found the missing piece of the puzzle I had been searching for.
A commit adding touch configuration was authored by a developer with a Samsung email address and immediately the name rang a bell. I searched back through all of our research on the Chromebook Pro and found the same name connected to multiple commits for ‘Kevin’.
Great news, but still not 100% concrete.
Then There Was This
I searched and found all the commits in the repositories from this specific owner. Lo’ and behold, his name was attached to every Samsung device stemming all the way back to the Samsung Chromebox 2 and the series 5 550 Chromebook.
These devices came out in 2012!
Even more convincing? These are the ONLY commits in which we see this Samsung email address.
Samsung devices exclusively.
Last week I was all but convinced that ‘Caroline’ was a Samsung Chromebook. Today, I am ready to say I am sure. I look forward to see what this device manifests itself as. If it is anywhere near as impressive looking as ‘Kevin’, Samsung has hit a homerun.