I’m not sure about everyone else, but I was extremely sad when Samsung decided to pull down the product page that gave us our first look at the Samsung Chromebook Pro.
Since we were the ones that originally shared the site and are, I suppose, the reason it is no longer with us, we wanted to do something about it.
In the midst of the excitement, we sadly forgot snag the source code for the site. That would have been optimal, right?
Well, we were thinking clearly enough to snag screenshots of the entire page. Piece by piece, we have the site reconstructed below for your viewing pleasure. Keep in mind, this is just a picture of the site, so all the fun animated elements will obviously no longer function. Additionally, we may have a piece or two out of order. We’re going by memory. We can say that all the original stuff is here.
Also, we’ve made this one full width (for all you on desktop) for your viewing pleasure.
We sincerely hope this will give all those who missed the original page a chance to see how beautiful this device and website are. And all of you that are sad about its absence like we are, you are welcome!
So, enjoy it! We can only hope that the Samsung Chromebook Pro officially breaks cover soon. In the meantime, feel free to scroll down and keep the drooling to a minimum.