In what can only be considered a glaringly obvious omission, Google Home has not been able to spin up content from your Google Play Movies up to this point. Announced over 2 years ago, Google Home has somehow been incapable of one of the features you most definitely would have expected it to be equipped with.
Though I’ve known this limitation was in place, I’ve repeatedly tried many times (in vain) to start up a movie with my Google Home to no avail. It didn’t matter that I knew it wouldn’t work: in my subconscious, this feature was so obvious that I seemingly couldn’t stop myself from barking the command when I wasn’t thinking about it being absent.
And, not surprisingly, it would always fail and leave me shaking my head in disbelief.
I’ll finish ranting here, but after one last point. YouTube and Google Play Music have both had full Google Home support for a long, long time, just as you would expect. I can understand the “Under Construction” label for 3rd party apps, but Google’s own content delivery apps? This just isn’t acceptable.
The Ship Is Righted
After over 2 years, I’m not completely sure there’s any way to call this a win. I’m hoping there were some silly DRM issues or something holding the whole process up, but I’m almost embarrassed for Google to be saying that we finally have Google Play Movies support for Google Home.
This feels like making an announcement that my perfectly healthy 15-year-old son just learned how to use the toilet. It’s not exactly something I would be excited to tell people. It’s great news, for sure, but I would feel a bit embarrassed to actually admit it took so long.
Alas, it does work and work exactly as expected. You can simply say, “OK Google, play Star Wars: The Last Jedi on my TV” and your Chromecast-connected TV will start it right up, just like you’d assume it should.
There is a dedicated help page for this, too, so it is fully rolled out and supported across the board. While I’m clearly a bit salty about the late arrival here, I am very happy that this all works as expected. After all, playing media with your voice is one of the things Google Home is best at. With most of my media tied up in Google Play, I’m a very happy camper that this wrong has finally been righted.
SOURCE: Android Police