I know a title like that is a pretty loaded one and, to be fair, that’s on purpose. We want you to read this and watch the video, but the reasons are likely a bit different than what you came in thinking they are. I’ll say this right up front: we’re not going anywhere, the break is going to be short-ish, and the content here at chromeunboxed.com will continue to flow. It’s just time for a breather from the weekly grind that is YouTube.
In the event that you don’t already know this, it takes a lot of work to make the videos that we make. There’s scripting, filming A-roll, planning B-roll, filming B-roll, importing, editing, exporting and posting that all happens every single week we put out a video. It’s a labor of love, for sure, but it’s most definitely the most labor-intensive thing we do without question.
But our break from YouTube isn’t about burnout. It’s not about fatigue or boredom or any other reason that you might think. We need a break to fully take care of something completely different and make sure the introduction of this new thing is handled properly out of the gate. There’s no future in our minds that would have us not back to making videos for Chrome Unboxed by late May 2024 once again, so rest assured that we’re not going anywhere. We just have something new to tell you about.
Introducing Proof Golf Club
Before you check out, please give me just a moment to explain what Proof Golf Club is and why we need your help with it – even if you don’t care one bit about golf. Proof Golf Club is a new effort from us here at Unboxed Media, Inc. (the corporation behind Chrome Unboxed) that aims to bring the disparate world of simulator golf together through simple, online peer-to-peer matchmaking, cross-platform discussions, and leagues where players can win prizes and even cash. It’s a big swing from us, and it’s going to need a bit of TLC out of the gate to make sure things go well: hence the YouTube break.
Even if you don’t care about golf, if you are reading this, chances are you care about Chrome Unboxed. Part of the reason for launching Proof Golf is the unsteady nature of online publishing. Whether it’s blog posts or YouTube videos, the entire industry is shifting and changing under our feet, and we need to diversify our efforts to be sure we can stick around for the long haul. And that’s where you come in.
Help Chrome Unboxed by helping Proof Golf Club (it’s free!)
Proof Golf Club could be an awesome community in the near future (we certainly hope so!), but we need help getting off the ground. While I’m well aware that many of you don’t care about golf or golf simulators, that’s OK. You can still help. By following us on social media, YouTube, and sharing Proof Golf with your friends and family, the Chrome Unboxed community could be vital to Proof Golf Club starting on the right foot. We’ve put them all here below for your convenience.
- Proof Golf website
- Proof Golf on YouTube
- Proof Golf on X (Twitter)
- Proof Golf on Instagram/Reels
- Proof Golf on TikTok
- Proof Golf on Facebook
We don’t make asks like this of you all too often, but we’re 100% asking now. Please go and simply subscribe, follow, like, etc. our Proof Golf properties. It costs you nothing, but it could be a massive help to the success of Proof Golf Club in these early stages. We’re confident that Proof Golf Club is going to deliver an experience people want to be a part of, but getting those first members in the door will be crucial, and seeing a solid following will help potential members feel at ease with getting involved in the first place.
Both Joe and I want to say thank you for even considering helping out in this way. Thank you for giving us a bit of grace in taking a breather – short as it may be – from YouTube to get this thing off the ground. And thank you for being a part of the journey here at Chrome Unboxed. We love our people, and we know we couldn’t do any of this without you all. And while I’m at it, if you’ve never thought about joining our Patreon Communty and Discord server (the Canary Crew), you can check that out here as well. The discussions and community there are top-notch, and we love being a part of it. It’s a big day for us here at Chrome Unboxed, and we’re beyond grateful to get to share it with you. Maybe we’ll see some of you over at Proof Golf Club soon!