In case you haven’t heard already, we launched a new website called Gaming Unboxed that is all about mobile gaming and gaming on-the-go. To celebrate the launch of this new project, we’ve partnered with CTL to give away a custom Chromebox on every Friday in the month of June. It has been a really fun way to kick things off, but with the end month approaching, that means the giveaway is coming to an end as well.
So first and foremost, make sure to enter to win using the giveaway box at the end of this article. There are seven ways to enter and each entry gets you a chance to win a brand-new Chromebox from CTL. The 8th-gen Celeron Chromebox comes with 8GB of RAM, 128GB of storage and a custom paint job that will make the device look awesome on your desk. While it makes a great Stadia device, it also has enough horsepower to be your daily driver. Robby has been using this exact Chromebox at his desk as his daily driver for a couple of weeks now and finds it to be a solid performer for all the Chrome OS tasks he needs to do. He even went as far to say, “This Chromebox is super dope!”
As for Gaming Unboxed, the site has already started to gain traction and we appreciate all of our Chrome Unboxed readers who have taken the time to check it out. We know Gaming Unboxed may not be for everyone, but we are genuinely excited about this project. We feel the same way about mobile gaming now as we did about Chromebooks in 2015. So, if you are interested in gaming on-the-go with your favorite mobile game, Nintendo Switch, or cloud gaming service, then you should go check out Gaming Unboxed.
If you have not already, make sure to check out the giveaway box below to find details on how you can enter to win. We will pick the final winner this Friday, June 26, at 3 PM ET so there are only a couple of days left to enter the giveaway. We are excited to see where mobile gaming will go and, if you are interested, we hope you enjoy our coverage on Gaming Unboxed.
Gaming Unboxed Giveaway