If your first thought was ‘What’s up with that title?’ you probably aren’t alone.
Lenovo has done something unique with its latest Chromebook, releasing two identical devices under two different names. The Lenovo Flex 11 Chromebook and the N23 Yoga Chromebook are essentially the same machine with slightly different paint jobs.
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As Gabriel talked about yesterday, this move seems aimed at having a device to market to EDU markets and one to market towards general consumers.
It seems like an odd move to us, given both devices contain the same hardware, specs, and rugged design. Literally the exact same. We’re unsure why Lenovo didn’t just release a single device and market it to both groups, but this is the angle they’ve decided to approach.
Last week, the N23 Yoga became available and we snagged one for a review. Unbeknownst to us, Lenovo was prepping the Flex 11 and announcing it to the world as well.
While the Flex 11 is still in the ‘coming soon’ phase, we have the N23 in the office and want to give you a first look and Lenovo’s newest offering.