We’ll be heading to New York very soon to see what exactly Google up to with their latest Chromebook, the “Pixelbook Go.” As exciting as the leaks are, we’re now left with more questions than ever before but we’ll know soon enough if Google’s new Chromebook will be a winner or a dud. Heading into the event, another deal on Google’s Chrome OS tablet has popped up and it makes the premium Pixel Slate very appealing, to say the least.
We’ve seen deals like this a couple of times and once again, Amazon, Best Buy and Google are all offering up the deals. At Amazon, you can grab any model of the Slate and get the Google keyboard for free on top of the $250 savings on the tablet. Google is also knocking of the $250 but they’ll let you take your pick of their keyboard or our personal favorite, the Brydge G-Type. Last but not least, Best Buy has the Slate with free Google Keyboard but they do not like being undersold. So, you can score the combo online and save two whole bucks more than the Amazon or Google Store listings. Dealer’s choice.
Pixel Slate w/keyboard at Amazon Pixel Slate w/keyboard from Best BuyPixel Slate w/keyboard choice from Google
Google’s premium Chrome OS tablet may have been the recipient of a lot of mixed reviews but there’s no denying that it is a beautiful piece of hardware that’s as capable as they come. When Chrome OS finally takes full advantage of the tablet form-factor, I think the Slate will be worth every penny and more.