We all need breaks from tech news from time to time, right?
Today we want to introduce you to Chrome Unboxed’s official mascot: Chrome. Yes, my cat’s name is Chrome.
Even more fun? My wife actually came up with the name!
He’s pretty awesome and my kids love him. He is quite large and looks much older, but he just turned one today. So we thought it was time to introduce him to all our readers.
When we were naming him, nothing really stuck. Thinking through things that are gray, we weren’t coming up with much. However, when we started thinking about silver colors as well, Chrome was suggested.
And I love it! And, honestly, there isn’t a much more fitting name out there for a pet.
So now you’ve all met him and we’ll share things about him from time to time. I mean, he has Chrome in his name, so he’s fair game, right?
Anyway…Happy Birthday Chrome!