At CES 2020 earlier this month, Intel made the 10nm+ Tiger Lake processor an official thing. The chipmaker is seemingly quite proud of their next-generation CPUs and has gone so far as to tout “double-digit” performance gains thanks to the companies new Xe graphics architecture. We’ll have to wait for some legitimate benchmarks to surface before we can see if Tiger Lake can deliver on Intel’s promises. In the meantime, here’s a really cool video with highlights of the new processor and there’s a Tiger. So, that’s cool.
Intel Tiger Lake @ CES 2020
Thunderbolt 4, Wifi 6 w/Gigabit Plus, enhanced AI engine and more, Tiger Lake will be the powerhouse behind the next generation of Project Athena devices. Back in September, we discovered a reference device in the Chromium repositories that pointed to the first-ever Tiger Lake-powered Chromebook. Fast forward four months, we’re now getting our first look at what could be the first actual production model of the new Intel platform.
‘Ripto’ had its initial EC image added just this morning and is being cloned from the Tiger Lake reference device codenamed ‘Volteer’. There’s not much we can report about the new Chromebook at this point but given the usual timeline for new hardware development, we will likely see this next generation of Chromebooks landing sometime in late 2020 and early 2021. Exciting times to be a Chrome OS junky if you ask me. We’ll keep an eye on ‘Ripto’ in the hope of bringing you more details as they emerge.
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Fun Fact: Ripto is the main antagonist of the popular Spyro game series created by Insomniac Games and later acquired by Activision.
Source: Chromium Repository