If you are in charge of purchasing new devices for an educational institution or corporation, CTL has a little-known program that may be of interest to you. The “Buy and Try” program allows qualified accounts to purchase a new Chrome OS device at a very steep discount. This gives eligible entities the ability to give a device some real-world testing before committing to larger purchases that often push into hundreds of thousands of dollars for a single school district or company.
The list of devices includes CTL’s latest Chromebooks and now you can try out the 10th Gen Comet Lake Chromebox CBx2 for as little as $99. This will get you the Comet Lake Celeron 5205U Chromebox with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. It features Bluetooth 5, Wi-Fi 6, and a hearty array of ports for peripherals and external monitors. If you are in need of more power, you can try out the Core i7 version of the CBx2 for the reduced price of $437. This model retails for more than $700.
There as some caveats to the program. Below is the list of “rules” set by CTL to qualify for the program.
- Purchasers of Buy and Try units should work for a qualified organization. Purchases should be for use by that organization rather than for personal use.
- Each qualified ORGANIZATION is limited to ordering one of each model.
- The buy and try program is designed as a way for an organization with volume purchasing needs to demo one of our products by purchasing it at a low cost rather than getting a loaner and having to return it. Because we’re selling the product for below cost, we’ll ask for information about the opportunity associated with your buy and try demo. As a general guideline, we’re looking for opportunities that may result in future purchases of over 100 units.
To get started, CTL has set up a simple contact form via Google Docs where you can select the device that you’d like to try. You will need to enter your contact information and general information about how many devices you may be interested in purchasing. A representative will reach out to confirm your request and finalize your Buy and Try purchase. This is a great way to ensure a device will work for your institution without dropping a ton of cash upfront. Find the sign-up form below.
CTL buy and try Chromebox demo
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