Going on two weeks now, the Chromebook Pixel(LS) has been "out of stock" in the Google Store. While this fact in and of itself may not hold a lot of meaning, recent clamoring in the Chromebook community has a lot of people questioning why. A post by +George Economo put the question to a vote. Is … [Read more...] about Chromebook Pixel Out of Stock. But Why?
We talk about a ton of stuff here at Chrome Unboxed. From Chromebooks to Chromecast to Google Assistant, the world of Chrome OS is pretty far-reaching. We save our News section for the things that are breaking news to our readers.
Upcoming Chromebook ‘Kevin’ To Use a Bright 12.3-Inch Display
So, here we are again! 3 days, 3 new tidbits of information circling the upcoming release of the Chromebook known only as 'Kevin.' Though we still have no details on release dates, more and more info keeps surfacing about the specific specs 'Kevin' will be toting on the day it gets released to the … [Read more...] about Upcoming Chromebook ‘Kevin’ To Use a Bright 12.3-Inch Display
Upcoming Chromebook ‘Kevin’ To Feature Wacom Active Stylus/Digitizer
Another day, another tidbit about our favorite mystery Chromebook.  While what we know thus far about 'Kevin' can be found in this prior post, each new detail brings us a bit closer to knowing what this Chromebook will be. … [Read more...] about Upcoming Chromebook ‘Kevin’ To Feature Wacom Active Stylus/Digitizer
New Chromebook ‘Kevin’ Will Use A High-DPI 3:2 Screen
It's been a few weeks since we've seen anything new or eye-catching in regards to the device only known as 'Kevin'. What we know up to this point is that 'Kevin' will: be a convertible device have stylus support (likely stow-able) be outfitted with the newly-released Rockchip RK3399 SoC … [Read more...] about New Chromebook ‘Kevin’ Will Use A High-DPI 3:2 Screen
Missing Your Backspace in Chrome? Here’s Some Help: UPDATED
When Google released Chrome 52 a few weeks back it was a relatively routine roll-out. Many, if not most of the updates went unnoticed by the average Chrome user. The biggest excitement for me was the fact that we are now only one version away from the Play Store coming to the stable channel. This, … [Read more...] about Missing Your Backspace in Chrome? Here’s Some Help: UPDATED
Android Apps and The Play Store Edging Closer On Chromebooks
An email went out late last week confirming some news we already knew: The Play Store is coming very soon. While we've known this for a bit of time and talked about it quite a bit around here, this particular alert was especially encouraging as it was an email straight from Google directly to … [Read more...] about Android Apps and The Play Store Edging Closer On Chromebooks
Chromium Team Testing Window Cycle UI
This week, our friendly neighborhood Chromium Evangelist, +François Beaufort shared a glimpse of a new window UI being tested for Chrome OS. Check out the original Google+ post for a look at the interface in action. … [Read more...] about Chromium Team Testing Window Cycle UI
Google’s Fuchsia OS: Some Perspective
A relatively interesting bit of news began circulating on the internet yesterday.  Google is apparently working on an OS that is not Android, not Chrome OS, and not running on the Linux kernel.  Android Authority had the story first (to our knowledge, anyway) and covered the possibilities with a … [Read more...] about Google’s Fuchsia OS: Some Perspective
Gold Acer Chromebook 14: Why It Matters
Without any pomp and circumstance, Acer quietly released a gold version of their Chromebook 14 this week. While there appear to be no updates, aside from aesthetics, we believe this is another shift in the Chromebook paradigm as we know it. … [Read more...] about Gold Acer Chromebook 14: Why It Matters
64GB Asus C301SA Now on Pre-sale
There has been a lot of talk about storage in the Chromebook community as of late. The announcement of Asus' upcoming Chromebook C301SA was the answer to many users call for more local storage. … [Read more...] about 64GB Asus C301SA Now on Pre-sale
Chrome Kills Flash…Almost
It's no secret that Google has been systematically eliminating Adobe's Flash Player from the interwebs for some time. But, before we go jumping on the "death to Flash" bandwagon, let's clear up a few things. First and foremost, Google has not killed Flash. The entire web industry has been slowly … [Read more...] about Chrome Kills Flash…Almost
Soon Chrome Will Communicate With Bluetooth Devices Via Web Bluetooth
A newer web-based technology has been given a green light from Google for some serious testing and we've been made aware via a post on Google+ from +François Beaufort. This new tech is known as Web Bluetooth, and as of today, it can be enabled for testing via a Chrome Flag. This is clearly still in … [Read more...] about Soon Chrome Will Communicate With Bluetooth Devices Via Web Bluetooth